Program Overview

This course will take you step-by-step through the proven best approach to Public Relations (PR) planning and management. By following these guidelines, PR professionals will achieve results that can be measured and reported back to top management and directly contribute to the organization’s success through its enhanced reputation and improved relationships. In the process, this will enhance the role and responsibilities of all PR professionals who are looking for a bigger challenge and even better performance.

  • Describe the functions of Public Relations in a changing environment
  • Practice the key communication skills and techniques essential for performing their PR duties
  • Recognize how to communicate effectively with the internal and external publics of the organization
  • Identify the role of a PR professional in supporting the image and reputation of the organization
Program content
  • PR in a Changing Environment
  • The Functions of PR
  • PR and Communication
  • The Role of PR Professionals in Dealing with the Internal and External Public
  • Verbal Communication Skills
  • Written Communication Skills
  • Press Conferences
Who should attend

Managers, supervisors, and officers experienced in public relations, other key personnel whose work involves contact and interaction with the internal/external public, particularly in the areas of personnel, marketing, sales.